
*UPDATE 7.26.2017: This was originally published in November of 2008. Rudy fought the good fight and passed away yesterday morning. I, as many, are heartbroken. As a father of a now six month old daughter, even more so. Keep the Geylings in your thoughts and prayers. 

Meet Rudy.
He was born 7 weeksish ago with HLHS (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome). My friend and amazing photographer Greg Lawler visited Rudy with camera in hand. Seeing Rudy, I was compelled to write this poem below:


I’ve only been here long

enough to open my eyes,

To find my chest open

To find my heart

Isn’t whole.

My eyes will

have to speak for me;

The fear, the wonder

The questions

and my strength

I’ve come to know far too soon.


these tubes and tape

and wires

I am


Sack o Rudy by Greg Lawler

Sack o Rudy by Greg Lawler

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